Home of P.E.R.F.E.C.T. for PTERYGIUM®

Dr Todd Goodwin

Dr Goodwin operates in Townsville. For bookings, contact details and a map, see the Townsville location page.

Dr Todd Goodwin graduated from medical school at James Cook University where he gained a keen interest in ophthalmology. He went on to work at the Townsville Hospital before undergoing specialist training in ophthalmology in Brisbane, Queensland.

He now practices in his private practice, NQ Eye Specialists, in Townsville along with providing outreach services to Cape York and central western Queensland.

Being born and raised in North Queensland, Dr Goodwin saw patients suffering with pterygium from the very beginning of his surgical training. He saw first hand how severely this disease could afflict people, especially with recurrent disease. Indeed, he saw it in his family members first and felt a sense of obligation to ensure he trained to the highest standard in the treatment of pterygium. He felt that the commonly taught techniques for pterygium surgery resulted in unacceptably high recurrence rates and suboptimal cosmetic outcomes.

After researching the literature on pterygium surgery itwas hard to ignore the results of Professor Lawrence Hirst, with his technique P.E.R.F.E.C.T. for PTERYGIUM®. Dr Goodwin spent time with Professor Hirst, observing his meticulous surgery and cosmetic outcomes, leaving no doubt about the published claims. Professor Hirst then spent two years personally training Dr Goodwin in his technique, P.E.R.F.E.C.T. for PTERYGIUM® to ensure the high standards of the surgery were upheld.

Dr Goodwin is now one of only a handful of accredited P.E.R.F.E.C.T. for PTERYGIUM® surgeons in Australia.